Thursday, August 21, 2008

Scrap the Census

Scrap the census, says leading Brownite thinktank

Britain's next census in 2011 should be abandoned because it wastes hundreds of millions of pounds and fails to take account of the hundreds of thousands of immigrants coming to the UK, according to a leading Brownite think tank.
Full article>>

What do you think, should the census be scrapped or should a more detailed census be introduced.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course, census should be taken as often as realistically possible, how is government supposed to govern the country without them!

But, I think UK Government should be far more open about how census are conducted because I have never had to fill in papers or forms, for any census, despite being born and brought up in the UK. I have voted in every General election, from the age of 18 and yet I still have no idea where the information for the census comes from. How is the British census taken!?!